Return and Refund Policy

Thank you for using! We strive to provide the best experience for our users, and we understand that sometimes you may need to return or request a refund for a subscription. This Return and Refund Policy outlines the process for handling such requests.

1) Subscription Refunds

1.1 Refund Eligibility: offers subscription-based services for business listings. If you are not satisfied with your subscription, you may be eligible for a refund under certain circumstances.

1.2 Valid Refund Period: You can request a refund within 2 days from the date of your subscription purchase.

2) Refund Requests

2.1 Submitting a Refund Request: To request a refund, please contact our support team at and provide the following information:

-Your full name

-Email address associated with your account

-Date of subscription purchase

-Reason for the refund request

2.2 Eligibility Review: We will review your refund request to determine if it meets the refund criteria. We reserve the right to refuse refunds for reasons not covered by this policy.

3) Refund Process

3.1 Approval Notification: If your refund request is approved, you will receive a notification from our support team within 7 days.

3.2 Refund Method: Approved refunds will be issued using the original payment method used for the subscription purchase.

4) Non-Refundable Items

4.1 Certain items are non-refundable, including but not limited to:

- Subscriptions requested after the valid refund period has expired

- Subscriptions purchased through third-party vendors or promotional offers not directly from

- Subscriptions that have already been utilized to access information from registered Navodayans

5) Subscription Cancellation

5.1 Cancellation Policy: Users have the option to cancel their subscriptions at any time. Canceling your subscription will terminate future billing, but it will not result in a refund for the remaining subscription period.

6) Changes to the Return and Refund Policy

6.1 We may update this Return and Refund Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and the revised policy will be effective immediately upon posting.

7) Contact Us

7.1 If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Return and Refund Policy or the refund process, please contact our support team at